Received the Prize for Creativity and Ingenuity in the Kyoto Prefecture Commendation for Invention and Other Meritorious Service for the development of the Smart ST.
On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, Tatsuya Sugiyama, President of our company, received the "Person of Merit Award for Originality and Ingenuity" for the development of the Smart Inspection Reporting System ST (abbreviated as Smart ST) at the 67th Kyoto Prefecture Commendation for Invention and Other Merits, organized by the Kyoto Prefecture.

What is the Kyoto Prefecture Commendation for Invention and Other Meritorious Service?
Kyoto Prefecture has been presenting the Governor's Commendation for Invention and Other Meritorious Service every year since 1957 to promote the importance of inventions and ingenuity, and to encourage the development of science and technology and the desire for inventions and ingenuity.
The development of the Smart Inspection Reporting Software ST (Smart ST) was recognized.
Award details
"Invention of a Building and Structural Survey Reporting System."
Ingenuity regarding the digitization of building and structural survey report preparation. We devised an application that allows the results of surveys of building deterioration, etc., to be input into a tablet on site and the report shared on the cloud. The application contributed to improved work efficiency by eliminating the need to carry paper drawings and writing materials and to input data at the office.

For these reasons, the "Smart ST" was selected as this year's recipient of the Award for Creativity and Ingenuity.
In fact, this system has a predecessor, "SINQA," and we started to improve the efficiency of on-site operations more than 10 years ago.
SINQA has been very effective in improving on-site efficiency and has brought tremendous benefits to our company's operations, but we had to upgrade the system to keep up with the technology of the world, and we have greatly renewed the system by adding many more useful functions to it. The new system is the "Smart Inspection Report Generation System ST".
We will continue to contribute to the SDGs while further improving the convenience of the system and developing technologies that will lead to more efficient operations for everyone.