Reasons Why Building Surveys and Diagnostics Are Gaining Attention in Recent Years

In Europe, particularly in Germany, older buildings are considered more valuable than new constructions. There is a well-established 'stock culture' where the longer and more carefully old structures are maintained and used, the higher their value becomes.

In contrast, Japan has a strong tradition of 'scrap and build,' where buildings are often replaced every 30 years or so, even when there is no need for such reconstruction.

This belief in new construction has persisted. However, in recent years, amid economic downturns, Japanese society has increasingly embraced the idea of using good-quality buildings for longer periods. This approach is now seen as beneficial from both resource and environmental perspectives.

From the increasing number of buildings boasting longevity to the rise in renovations of old buildings and traditional townhouses, as well as the mandatory inspections stipulated in the revised Real Estate Brokerage Act, there is a discernible trend towards emphasizing existing stock

In the transition from the long-standing 'scrap and build' mentality, which persisted since the high economic growth period, to a society that values existing building stocks, the crucial question arises: How can we make the most of existing buildings for as long as possible?

To achieve this, appropriate repair and renovation of buildings are essential. Integral to this process is the need for accurate building surveys and diagnostics to assess the condition of buildings. As we move towards a society that prioritizes existing building stocks, ensuring their longevity becomes paramount.

The Changing Tide of the Times

Shift in Attitudes Towards Buildings

・Diversification and Complexity of User Needs

The needs of users have become increasingly diverse and complex, encompassing not only safety, reliability, comfort, and functionality, but also flexibility, sustainability, environmental considerations, and accessibility.

・Addressing limited resources and environmental issues on Earth

Consideration for the environment has become an important element, emphasizing the efficient utilization of resources, leading to increased demand for longevity, refurbishment, and change of use.

・Stock management and real estate securitization

Movements such as "stock management," which involves appropriately managing the operation and maintenance of numerous buildings, and the securitization of real estate assets to enhance liquidity, have also emerged.

Utilization of Building Diagnostics

Building diagnostics that address diverse needs are necessary.

・The diversification and complexity of user needs.

To adequately address the diverse and evolving needs of users and meet societal demands such as environmental considerations, it is essential to conduct regular inspections and maintenance of buildings and facilities in addition to proper upkeep.

・Timely building inspections and proper maintenance enhance the asset value of a building.

Building inspection, conducted by professionals with high reliability and impartiality (third-party perspective), is desirable for maintaining the asset value of a building. Furthermore, building inspections are crucial for developing appropriate long-term maintenance plans and enhancing the asset value of the building.

Conducting building inspections from a third-party perspective is essential for ensuring impartial and appropriate assessments.

In the past, issues such as seismic retrofitting fraud in condominiums and defective housing have sparked public concern. In response, third-party inspections of buildings have been deemed crucial. Third-party inspections involve assessments conducted from the perspective of an impartial party without vested interests from either the supply or demand side. Against this backdrop, Sugitech operates as an independent inspection company not affiliated with any corporate group.

At Sugitec, we conduct investigations, assessments, repairs, and finishing work in the following three main categories:

Non-destructive testing and various inspections.

We conduct inspections using specialized cameras, including infrared cameras, to diagnose deterioration without damaging the building structure.

Repair work for deteriorated areas

We carry out appropriate repairs on buildings that have been surveyed. Preserving the value of buildings for future generations is also our mission.

Improvement of living environment

We improve not only homes but also places closely associated with people's lives, such as facilities where people gather, to create safer and more comfortable environments.

For the operation and management of buildings,

The Basics of Building Maintenance and Conservation

Building structures, apart from internal functionalities like electrical systems, undergo deterioration over time, leading to a decline in performance and functionality of components such as the framework, exterior walls, and rooftops. To ensure that the performance and functionality of buildings are maintained, it is necessary to carry out timely repairs and renovations before the effects of aging deterioration become significant.

To further accommodate comfortable living environments, it is necessary to enhance performance in line with the evolving needs of each era. Moreover, rather than simply carrying out renovations upon the discovery of deterioration, it is important to consider and implement maintenance and renovation works from a long-term perspective of the building's lifecycle cost, ensuring sustainability and cost-effectiveness over time.

The changing tide of the times.

Shift in perception towards buildings

・Diversification and complexity of user needs

User needs have become increasingly diverse and complex, encompassing not only safety, reliability, comfort, and functionality, but also flexibility, sustainability, environmental considerations, and accessibility.

・Addressing limited resources and environmental issues

Efficient utilization of resources as an environmental consideration has become a crucial element, leading to increased demand for longevity and refurbishment or repurposing.

・Stock management and real estate securitization

There is a movement towards effective management of a large number of buildings called "stock management," as well as initiatives such as real estate securitization to enhance asset liquidity.

The purpose of building maintenance and renovation

Buildings must maintain their functionality over the long term, so their true value is assessed after completion.

Proper maintenance and renovation not only extend the lifespan but also lead to reduced running costs. Maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of buildings through appropriate maintenance is crucial for ensuring durability.

<Keeping the Aesthetics>
Enhancing the Building's Exterior

Buildings with cracks in exterior walls, missing wall tiles, and deterioration due to leaks such as stains and rust not only look shabby but also significantly detract from the appearance of the neighborhood. Especially in rental properties, such issues can lead to a notable decline in reputation, necessitating prompt action.

<Structural Integrity Maintenance>
Enhancing the Functionality of Building Structures

The building frame also naturally deteriorates over time due to construction conditions, environmental factors at the site, and aging. Before it becomes extensively damaged due to phenomena like concrete neutralization or strong alkalis, renovations are conducted.

<Preservation of Residential Satisfaction>
Enhancing Living Environments

Deterioration of buildings can lead to a decrease in safety as well. To ensure that residents and users can use the building with peace of mind, we carry out renovations and improvements in functionality, creating a safe and user-friendly environment.

<Preservation of Asset Value>
Maintaining the value of owned assets

Neglecting deteriorated buildings directly leads to a decline in asset value. Building inspection, maintenance, and repair work are essential for preserving and enhancing the value of the property.