Exterior Wall Diagnosis and Management Insurance
Do you know about 'Exterior Wall Diagnosis and Management Insurance?
This insurance is recommended for those considering exterior wall diagnosis of buildings and subsequent repair and renovation work. It provides compensation for damages that occur during the period between building diagnosis and repair or renovation work.
To hedge against risks during the preparation period for repair and renovation work.
If repairs are necessary based on the results of the exterior wall diagnosis, it will require a preparation period to arrange funds and other resources.Especially in the case of condominium ownership, obtaining consent from numerous unit owners and making preparations will take a considerable amount of time.

1.Building diagnosis
Exterior wall inspections under the regular reporting system.

2.Repair plan
If repair is deemed necessary based on the inspection results, a repair plan will be formulated.

3.Preparation period
Based on the repair plan, prepare the nece-ssary funds and resources for the repair.

4.commencement of construction
Carry out repair work in accordance with the repair plan.
We provide compensation for damages that occur during the preparation period
If a falling accident occurs during the preparation period before compensation coverage begins and causes damage to a third party, the building owner must pay for the damages.
If an exterior wall diagnosis determines that repairs are necessary, it usually takes a considerable amount of time for the building owner to arrange the necessary funds. Therefore, there is a possibility that a falling accident could occur during the preparation period, causing damage to a third party and resulting in the building owner being liable for compensation.
To address such risks, this insurance policy covers damages the building owner incurs from third-party liability due to falling exterior wall accidents that occur within two years after an exterior wall diagnosis by an insured inspection company. It provides compensation for damages that occur during the preparation period for repairs.
For example, there is a risk of falling accidents like this…

It covers damages arising from such risks
This insurance provides coverage for damages incurred by the owner of the facility, who becomes legally liable for bodily injury or property damage to others caused by accidental incidents involving the exterior walls of the insured building after diagnosis.

Ensure a reliable diagnosis and repair plan with the Exterior Wall Diagnosis and Management Insurance
Coverage becomes effective through a diagnosis conducted by a full member of BELCA.
The 'Exterior Wall Diagnosis and Management Insurance' for facility owners' peace of mind applies to buildings that have undergone an exterior wall diagnosis conducted by a diagnosis company that is a full member of the Japan Building Maintenance and Management Association (BELCA) and is insured.

We offer a reliable diagnosis and repair plan, ensuring peace of mind as always.
In recent years, proper repairs of buildings have become a societal issue. From a legal perspective and for the safety of building occupants, many building owners, management associations, public facilities, and local governments are considering inspections and diagnoses.
It is well known that proper building inspections and diagnoses are essential. However, it is often the case that there is a delay in preparing funds for repairs after the diagnosis. During this period, if a third party is harmed, the building owner may be liable for damages. With 'Exterior Wall Diagnosis and Management Insurance,' we can provide compensation support for such issues.
Do you have any concerns or questions regarding exterior wall inspections?
Are you looking for a reliable company to conduct an inspection of your exterior walls?
Are you looking for a company that can provide comprehensive follow-up from exterior wall diagnosis to repair?
I want to minimize the cost and duration of exterior wall diagnosis.
It sounds like these issues could be addressed by Sugitec
To everyone considering exterior wall diagnosis and repairs.
Reasons to choose Sugitec1
Supports the regeneration of your buildings with extensive experience, achievements, and cutting-edge investigation methods.
We provide reliable evidence through advanced knowledge and state-of-the-art equipment in our investigations.
Sugitec has been providing detailed, transparent, and reliable evidence output and high-quality construction services since its establishment in 1996, with the motto 'Protecting the Future of Buildings.' We have undertaken numerous inspection and renovation projects for various clients, including government agencies, local authorities, and public facilities.
In addition, we continuously engage in new technological developments with our recognized technical expertise, acknowledged even by major general contractors. We actively address the industry's current challenges such as labor shortages and business efficiency improvement. Moreover, we promptly adopt cutting-edge equipment to tackle urgent issues related to infrastructure and building inspection and regeneration.

Reasons to choose Sugitec2
One-stop operation system from survey to repair
We alleviate customer concerns through consistent support and a unified approach throughout the process.
The pattern of having a specialized inspection company conduct the inspection only, with subsequent repairs outsourced to other contractors, is common. However, this approach can have several drawbacks. One issue is the lack of speed in completing repairs, as coordination between multiple parties can slow down the process. Additionally, focusing solely on cost can lead to oversight of important factors. Depending on the accuracy of the inspection, there's a risk of rework or, in the worst-case scenario, overlooking deteriorated areas that could result in accidents.
At Sugitec, we offer a comprehensive service from inspection to repair, and provide ongoing support, ensuring a more efficient workflow. Moreover, if we identify risks in areas beyond those initially inspected, we offer free additional inspections and advice.

Reasons to choose Sugitec3
Optimal proposals to reduce costs
Proposal for the optimal investigation equipment and methodology tailored to the situation.
Since the review of the regular reporting system in April 2008, the method of inspecting building exteriors has transitioned to "comprehensive probing, etc." This includes the use of infrared cameras as a method of investigation, which can significantly reduce costs compared to the conventional method of comprehensive probing using temporary scaffolding. Our company not only offers infrared cameras but also provides inspections using drones equipped with infrared cameras.
However, it's important to note that both infrared cameras and drones have limitations. They are influenced by factors such as the specifications of the shooting angle and the location of the building, and there may be instances where they cannot capture everything. In such cases, we provide flexible solutions to minimize costs, such as using rope access techniques or gondolas as alternatives to capture parts of the building that cannot be photographed.

Cost-effective investigation methods, and the mechanism of infrared exterior wall inspections
How deterioration is identified with an infrared camera?
Mechanism of infrared exterior wall inspection
Principle of detecting raised areas with an infrared camera
It captures temperature changes in areas with tile detachment.
The heat energy generated on the surface of the building's exterior wall tiles travels through the concrete wall surface. If there is detachment of the tiles, for instance, an air gap is created, making it difficult for heat to transfer to the backside, resulting in a higher temperature compared to the intact areas.
Conversely, when the outside temperature decreases, the detached areas become cooler compared to the intact ones. This is because the intact areas absorb heat from the concrete structure, which mitigates the temperature decrease. However, the detached areas do not have contact with the concrete structure, resulting in a faster decrease in temperature due to the absence of heat absorption.

Infrared exterior wall inspection is also an effective method for regular reporting.
Following the revision of the regular reporting system, infrared camera inspections are now also permissible
Following the completion of special buildings or exterior renovations, for the first periodic inspection after exceeding 10 years, as well as for subsequent periodic inspections every 10 years, a comprehensive tapping inspection using a test hammer must be conducted. However, since April 1, 2008, amendments have been made to the periodic reporting system based on Article 12 of the Building Standards Law, and "diagnosis using infrared cameras" is also permitted under the supervision of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Housing Bureau Construction Guidance Division.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Infrared Inspection
【Advantages】①No need for temporary scaffolding, reducing costs. / ②Short inspection period, enabling quick assessments. / ③No concerns about noise. / ④Accurate identification of deterioration locations.
【Disadvantages】①Subject to weather conditions. / ②Unable to determine raised interfaces. / ③Variability in results due to the expertise of the analyst or photographer. / ④Inability to capture images depending on the surroundings of the building.
Casual inspections also carry risks
Infrared inspections offer numerous advantages, such as cost-effectiveness and rapidity, but there are challenges regarding the stability of analysis accuracy due to differences in imaging timing. Additionally, analyzing the captured data isn't universally quantifiable; it varies depending on the analyst, emphasizing the importance of both deep structural knowledge and extensive experience. Selecting based solely on price can entail significant risks.
Examples of combined methods for exterior wall inspections
Proposed examples of cost-effective inspection methods (partial).
It's understandable that you recognize infrared inspection as the most cost-effective method. However, infrared cameras also have their drawbacks. Depending on the surrounding environment and site conditions, there may be instances where imaging is not possible at all or where certain areas cannot be captured.
This is a problem that arises when the required shooting distance or angle cannot be achieved for infrared camera imaging. In such cases, we propose to combine rope access techniques or gondolas, or alternatively, utilize drones depending on the situation, to minimize costs as much as possible while ensuring comprehensive inspection coverage.

[ Infrared exterior wall survey ]

[ Rope ccess]

[ Gondola Survey ]

[ AWP ]

Other technologies to enhance the efficiency of exterior wall inspections
We continually update our technology to keep pace with the times.
Crack Survey -Kuraves Actis-
Digitization of crack inspections is advancing
In recent years, the digitization of crack inspections has accelerated. At Sugitec, we utilize a technology called "Kuraves-Actis," which can automatically extract cracks with high precision from image data, significantly reducing the time required for analysis.
Additionally, by combining the visible images of crack extractions from "Kuraves" with the delamination detection images from infrared cameras, we can provide more detailed and accurate inspection results, including assessments of potential hazards.

Drone Inspections
We also offer versatile point cloud data
Drones are now being used for more than just aerial photography; their application in various industries for inspection tasks is expanding. Naturally, Sugitec also utilizes drones for inspection work. We can handle not only buildings but also structures that are typically difficult to photograph, such as tall chimneys.
Additionally, our drones are equipped with infrared cameras, allowing us to obtain detailed results by combining visible images with infrared data. We can also generate point cloud data from aerial images, which can be utilized for surveying, drafting, and various other applications.
Smart Inspection Report Creation System ST
Cloud application for digitizing and streamlining handwritten inspection tasks
Sugitec's proprietary "Smart Inspection Report Creation System ST" (abbreviated as "Smart ST") digitizes and streamlines inspection tasks by allowing for the automatic creation of inspection reports using just a tablet. This eliminates the analog process of manually recording deterioration on paper drawings and separately taking photos with a digital camera.
This system eliminates the need for entering deterioration information manually from paper drawings into a computer, reducing double handling and the risk of human errors. It streamlines the workflow and is compatible with multiple platforms, allowing users to work on both iOS and Android devices.

Q&A - Frequently Asked Questions
I've compiled some frequently asked questions for your reference.
Q1.Could you tell me about the organization called BELCA?
The organization BELCA (Long Live Building Promotion Association), established in June 1989, aims to promote the longevity of buildings and the formation of a sound building stock.
They also cultivate Building Diagnosis Technicians (Building Doctors: Non-structural) and Building Facility Diagnosis Technicians (Building Doctors: Building Facilities), and conduct awards for paid buildings (BELCA Awards). BELCA has become a prestigious organization with many members, including major general contractors and large consultants.(BELCA official website:http://www.belca.or.jp/)
Q2.Are there any other insurance policies similar to Exterior Wall Diagnosis Management Insurance?
This insurance is exclusively offered by the Public Interest Incorporated Association Long Live Building Promotion Association (BELCA). Another similar insurance is Facility Liability Insurance, which covers accidents caused by facility deficiencies. However, the difference lies in the coverage amount. Most Facility Liability Insurances provide coverage of up to 100 million yen per accident.
On the other hand, concerning Exterior Wall Diagnosis Management Insurance, while the condition is that the building must undergo diagnosis by a BELCA regular member company, it provides coverage of up to 300 million yen per accident. In the event of damages and liability claims resulting from a falling accident, the economic damage could potentially be severe enough to jeopardize the company. This insurance serves both to protect the company and to provide for the victims.
Q3.Would having an inspection by Sugitec make a building eligible for Exterior Wall Diagnosis Management Insurance?
Yes. If our company, which is a member diagnostic company of BELCA, conducts an exterior wall inspection, the insurance can be applied to the building.
Q4.Is it possible to apply the insurance just for the inspection without any further actions?
Yes. By directly commissioning our company, which is a member diagnostic company of BELCA, the "Exterior Wall Diagnosis Management Insurance" can be applied. Subsequent renovations do not have to be carried out by our company, but we have established a system to provide consistent support, including aftercare following renovations, without involving other companies. This helps to save both time and costs. Please consider our services.